Hi.. some friends and I have a 1-26E that we are trying to get airworthy. We have. 4.00-4 8 ply tire which binds and self actuates the brake with minimal spoiler opening. We would like to find an original 4 ply tire to put on. Does anyone know of any available?
Plan B would be to try a 4.00-4 6ply. Does anyone know if they will fit?
Plan C, per K&L would be to raise the rear attach point of the brake band a bit higher to provide more clearance for the existing 8 ply tire. Has any one successfully done that. How much higher do we need to raise it?
Plan D would be to convert it to the handrail if brake but we do kt have the budget for that rright now.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Pete Brown
SGS 1-23G2 Comments
Plan D typo… convert to hydraulic brake….but we don’t have the budget for it right now.