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Curt Lewis #216 & #300Offline

    • Profile picture of Curt Lewis #216 & #300

      Curt Lewis #216 & #300

      2 years, 7 months ago

      2022 Chilhowee Championships – Landout #1 – Nice chicken farm. Great owners.
      *** I’m having problems posting this with pics. I’ll post some as comments here if it lets me.

      Things I learned:
      1 – Fields protected by “electrified fence wire” probably (usually?) have a pass through that consists of an insulated (maybe ceramic) handle near a fence post that can be undone to move the fence wire out of the way to get the trailer through.

      2 – Something I’ve never heard in a landout story.. farm dogs. As I walked up to the house I could hear the barking of a serious sounding dog. I could tell it was some sort of pitbull breed. To my surprise and relief it was actually tethered to the porch out in the middle of this large field! This could have been a very serious situation. There was no place to hide out there. I’m considering some form of pepper spray in the landout kit now.

      My wife and son retrieved me. All good.
      Curt Lewis – #216


