The 2013 1-26 Sweeps are over and dust from the controversies have settled. Time to get this summary out ! (full Sweepstakes standings and flights) As I closely predicted last year, Daniel Sazhin had ...
The Chilhowee Soaring Association Is pleased to announce the Fifth Annual Sequatchie Ridge Badge and Record Camp March 5-14, 2013 Marion County Airport (APT) in Jasper, Tennessee The Sequatchie Valley...
To access this post, you must purchase International Membership, Life Member, Sustaining Member or Regular Member.
To access this post, you must purchase International Membership, Life Member, Sustaining Member or Regular Member.
To access this post, you must purchase International Membership, Life Member, Sustaining Member or Regular Member.
1-26 Championships 2012 Texas Soaring Association, Midlothian, July 11, 2012 – July 18, 2012 1-26 Pilot Scores Overall Daily Position and Scores # Pts CN Pilot Glider 11.07 12.07 13.07 14.07 16.07 17....
What with today’s instant communications, it’s tough to sit on the good news sometimes. But rules are rules and I had to wait until today to officially announce that Doug Levy has successfully claimed...
Here is a photo of the plaque for the Hangman Award for the longest flight (508.86sm) in 2012 by Ron Schwartz. The plaque will be presented at the 2013 Championships. That’s 4 out of the last 4 years ...
The 2012 1-26 Sweeps are over. (full Sweepstakes standings and flights) It was another very good Sweepstakes year! We had full participation in all divisions and all classes but one. Rookie Daniel Saz...