Preparations are well underway for the Eastern Division 1-26 Labor Day Fun Meet hosted by Piedmont Soaring Society, Inc. at Bahnson Field (43NC) in Farmington, NC. Contest days Sept. 2, 3, 4, with pra...
Photos taken by Larry Pardue & Jo Shaw To access this post, you must purchase International Membership, Life Member, Sustaining Member or Regular Member.
Sponsored by The Albuquerque Soaring Club Sundance Aviation Link Related to This Article: Introduction to the Turn Area Task In Memoriam With deep sorrow the 1-26 Association regrets to report the lo...
The Turn Area Task By Ron Schwartz The Turn Area Task is a new task for some of our contestants and, as with all new things, it just might make more sense to you if there was some explanation. First, ...
GOAL STRIKE XVI REPORT by George Powell and Del Blomquist During the first week of June 2005, the following 1-26 pilots and their faithful crews arrived at Jean, Nevada to participate in Goal Strike...
The Upper Midwest Comes to Life By Jim Hard When April arrives in southern Minnesota, it is as though Mother Nature has thrown a Winter-Spring switch to the “Spring” position. This year was no differ...
Photos by Bob Hurni Photos by Jo Shaw To access this post, you must purchase International Membership, Life Member, Sustaining Member or Regular Member.
Regatta Rules The weather was great, the food excellent, and the company incredible at the 1st Annual Sylvania Soaring Adventures 1-26 Regatta held at Beloit Wisconsin, June 17,18 and 19, 2005. A tota...
To access this post, you must purchase International Membership, Life Member, Sustaining Member or Regular Member.