Looking for a functioning pellet variometer for our 1-26A. Mark Palmer Greenwood Village, CO #182 To access this post, you must purchase International Membership, Life Member, Sustaining M...
On the last day of the Chilhowie Champs, I made an off-field landing in a large open field. Just after my trailer arrived, so did two very sociable horses. They wanted to get a close-up view of everyt...
How to Replace a Defective Internal Nut For a 1-26E Tip-Wheel I needed to replace a defective Model E, tip–wheel-bolt, anchor nut in my wing. I developed a method of changing the internal nut plate wi...
The 2022 1-26 Association Championships Results Chilhowee Gliderport, Benton, TN 3-12 May, 2022 1-26 Championships 2022 Chilhowee Gliderport, Benton, TN, 05.05.2022 – 12.05.2022 Overall results after ...
Scholarship Requirements The 1-26 Association is seeking to assist student glider pilots under the age of 18 to attain their Glider Private Pilot rating. The scholarship funds of up to $1000 ma...
see previously sent article To access this post, you must purchase International Membership, Life Member, Sustaining Member or Regular Member.
Flying the Carolina Wave Project Marion, N.C. or Ten Things I learned about Wave Flying in a 1-26 By Glenn C. McGovern, Commercial SEL, Instrument, Glider Email: glenn@glennmcgovern.com In October 202...
Bill Vickland passed away peacefully on Friday April 1, 2022. I am but one person that knew Bill. And when you consider that his gliding career started sometime around 1968 when he and Joan started bu...
1-26rules.revision.4.22.2022 To access this post, you must purchase International Membership, Life Member, Sustaining Member or Regular Member.
2022 1-26 Championships News From 1-26 Association President, Ridge Moreland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsAikTXTL-w To access this post, you must purchase International Membership, Li...