The Association is formed for the purpose of stimulating interest in, and promoting the sport of soaring in the Schweizer 1-26 sailplane; to establish standards for competition in the 1-26; to establish categories for record flights made in the 1-26; to disseminate information relating to the 1-26 and flights made in the 1-26, and to give recognition to its membership for accomplishments related to soaring in the 1-26.
The Association’s goal is to foster the helpfulness, the camaraderie, and the opportunity for head-to-head competition that is found in One Design groups in sailing. It is an organization of people who share the common ideal that soaring should be fun, not frantic – people who include pilots, families, crews and others who are interested. Membership is open to everyone. Owning a 1-26 or being a pilot is not required.

Please browse the membership options below and find the one right for you. When you’re ready, simply click on of the icons to securely complete your purchase. If you prefer to mail in your application, please see the “Paper Application” section below. We will never share or sell your information.
Regular Member - $20 per year
Regular Members are entitled to one vote in all elections, to a full voice in the affairs of the Association, and to receive the Newsletter and the LOG, which is the annual directory and handbook of the Association.
Sustaining Member - $30 per year
Sustaining members have the privileges of Regular Members, but are members who, because of their interest and involvement in the success of the Association, wish to contribute more than the Regular Membership dues to support the organization. Honorary Life and Regular Life Members who choose to pay annual dues are also recognized as Sustaining Members.
Life Member - $500
A Life Member enjoys Regular Membership for life. This membership type is a means whereby dedicated members can make a permanent financial contribution to the Association. The Life Membership funds are invested separately and produce regular income for the Association.
Paper Application (PDF)
If you would prefer to print, fill out and mail a paper application instead of using our online service, please click the icon to the left.